Thursday, April 19, 2012

Maiden Voyage

Hello, and welcome to Saving Our Earth! This blog intends to investigate various green techs, activities and information from around the world (Oh... And just about any other topic of interest that sparks with me will receive mention, so don't put this blog in a box. It doesn't belong there.)... And since it's been of keen interest to me, we'll be starting with hydrogen powered vehicles. Hydrogen powered vehicles use Hydrogen as their onboard fuel for motive power. Hydrogen vehicles include hydrogen fueled space rockets, automobiles... Really anything that requires combustible fuel and utiulizes Hydrogen for that purpose.

Having poked around for workable hydrogen solutions for a few months, I've found a few people around the world who have achieved varying levels of success using this incredibly abundant fuel source (Hydrogen is thought to be the most abundant chemical element in the universe, representing roughly 75% of the universe's elemental chemicals).

First we'll take a look at the HHO (oxyhdrogen or "Brown's Gas") car-kits that are available online for converting vehicles to a hybrid state. These kits utilize electrolytic cells to break 2 h2o apart into h2 and o2 for combustion, while the car is running. When 2 h2 and o2 are combusted, the result is energy and 2 h2o. Since most engines are designed to handle h2o as a biproduct of combustion, this seems perfectly reasonable. These kits do not attempt to fully replace fossil fuels in your vehicles engine, but merely supplement them (which does mean that your vehicle's computer will need to be adjusted to accept a different fuel - air mixture than what it would normally operate at), and are available for purchase online or can be created by following some of the DIY instructions also available online.
Purchase HHO kits:
DIY Instructions:

But not everyone is working towards a hybrid solution... In fact, there is already a working hydrogen (only) powered motorcycle developed by Intellegent Energy ( This company is now partnering with The Suzuki Motor Corporation, Lotus Engineering and PSA Peugeot Citroën, in order to integrate their fuel cell systems into new vehicles. Hydrogen power appears to be the future, and most people seem unaware that this transition is happening as we speak.

Oh, but don't be fooled... It seems anyone can get in on this game! There are people out there continuing work on the DIY method who appear to have reached some amount of success as well... Check out this video of a truck that has been converted to run entirely on hydrogen:

I'd love to see this technology developed and distributed by the community... Wouldn't you? Feedback required on this one, if you don't mind. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree hydrogen is the fuel of the future and can't wait for them to push it more than they currently are.
